Saturday 9 January 2016


Practical Guidelines for Selecting Media

In an international setting, media can be selected and evaluated based on the following CASCOIME criteria: 
Cost - Is the medium cost effective? Can it reach a wide enough audience? What technology infrastructure is currently available? 
Accessibility – Is the medium accessible? Does it facilitate distribution? Is it convenient to use? Is it user-friendly?
Social-Political Suitability – Is the medium socially and politically suitable? Does its use coincide with social and political agendas of governing bodies?
Cultural Friendliness – Is the medium culturally appropriate? Does it coincide with the culture’s traditional way of learning?
Openness/Flexibility – Is the medium flexible? Does it foster collaboration? Does it foster different ways of teaching? 
Interactivity - Is the medium interactive? Does it promote learner-learner and learner-instructor interaction? Does it facilitate timely and quality feedback from instructors and tutors?
Motivational Value - Is the medium motivating? Does it encourage learners to study harder and longer?
Effectiveness - Is the medium effective? Does it help students learn content faster (i.e., more efficiently)?

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