Monday 7 December 2015



ü To co-ordinate press releases
ü Deal with queries from the media (media enquiries)
ü To arrange interview for the Chief Executive and the media
ü The press officer helps or assist journalist in gathering information
ü To generate maximum publicity for his organization and their activities.
ü To establish and maintain two-way communication with current press contacts (media list)
ü Maintain communication with journalist and other interest groups


Public officers work in the civil service, a branch of the executive arm of government. They are the officials responsible for carrying out the policies laid down by the legislature. The executive officer in public service work through the administrative apparatus of the government in the performance of their duties. The performance of the public functions undertaken by the public servants insist that the workers must in every circumstance and under all conditions prevalent in his office act in accordance with specified rules depends on his ability to maintain an impartial and anonymous attitude towards his official duties.

Public service is suppose to be a permanent institution serving the people under any government. The system outlives government and is therefore suppose to be non-partisan. Unfortunately, because workers in public service implement policies of government in power there is a lot of pressure on them to promote the politics of the government in power, thus losing their impersonal characteristics.

It has been inferred that military regimes take over government from civilians for such reasons as, to reestablish the principle of impartial administration which had been eroded by the pressure of party politics. It is in order for the public service commission to be able to resist pressure and be free from undue influence that the 1957nNigerian constitution conference recommended.
Code of conduct was therefore provided as a guide to the official expected behavior of every civil servant.

Functions Of The Code Of Conduct Bureau

a.   Receive declarations on allegations of breach of any provision of the code of conduct.
b.   Examine any declared allegation in accordance with the requirements of the code or a related law.
c.   Ensure compliance with and where appropriate enforce the provisions of the code or any other law related to it.
d.   Investigate complaints of noncompliance or breach of the code. Depending on the merits of the compliant, it could be referred to the code of conduct tribunal for arbitration.
e.   It is also in their schedule to appoint, promote, dismiss and exercise disciplinary control over the staff of the Code of Conduct Bureau according to National Assembly Act enacted for the purpose.

They are expected to be non-partisan and impartial in the discharge of their duties in other to maintain a disciplined and bureaucratic public service. Activities of the Code of Conduct Bureau when extended, incorporates complaints of people outside the civil service who have grudges against any executive. This people seek redress through the Ombudsman.

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