Monday 7 December 2015


Democracy is a system of government which gives period opportunities for the masses to choose their leaders. Democracy from a layman’s point of view is government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Another definition of democracy is that it is a system of government in which the will of the majority of qualified citizens; or a government elected by the majority of the electorate (qualified adult citizens).
There are two main types of democracy:
(i)         Direct democracy: This type of democracy where very qualified adult citizen of a community or state participate in decision making directly without electing representatives. The Igbo traditional society and the Greek city of Anthem practiced this type of democracy.
(ii)        Indirect democracy: this is the type of democracy where the quailed adult citizens in a community or state elect members or representatives into the parliament who then take decisions on their behalf. This is the type of democracy practise in this modern time.
This type of democracy is sometimes referred to as “representative government”.
Democracy is a system of government originated from the Greeks. In a democracy political sovereignty is vested on the people or electorate.
The bad form or opposite of democracy as a system of government is mobocracy. Mobocracy means government formed through mob-action- actions by unorganized group of people who have no objectives or direction clearly mapped out.

Features / Characteristics of a Democratic Government
(i)   Majority Rule
(ii)        Election- free and fair election of representatives
(iii)       Periodic election – elections are held from time to time to elect the leaders.
(iv)       Existence of opposition political parties
(v)        The rule of law
(vi)       Supremacy of the law
(vii)      Equality before the aw
(viii)     Fundamental human rights
(ix)       Independence of the judiciary
(x)        Freedom of the press

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